The Northbound Northcutts

Who Are We?

In obedience to the Biblical command to be witnesses “unto the uttermost part of the earth”, we have endeavored to follow the Lord wherever He leads — whether it has been Siberia or Canada.  In 2009 the Lord led us to Siberia, Russia.  We were privileged to work with an established ministry and veteran missionaries in the city of Krasnoyarsk, and then later with a church-planting team in the northern village of Vanavara.  After 9 years in Siberia, the Lord moved us to Newfoundland, Canada where we are currently serving.

Where Are We Serving?

We are privileged to live and serve in the beautiful west coast of Newfoundland!  In August of 2019, we moved to Stephenville, NL where we assisted the O’Brien family with church-planting in two locations — one in the town of Stephenville, and one in the city of Corner Brook.  In August of 2021, God moved us to Corner Brook to take over the work in a full-time capacity. Will you pray with us that God would open the hearts of the people in these areas to the truth of the Gospel?  Will you pray that God will send more labourers to this needy field?

Northcutt News
A snowy scene outside a building with a gray concrete exterior and large glass doors. A sign on the door reads "Grace Baptist Church" with service times listed: Bible Foundation at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 11:30 a.m., along with a phone number. Snow covers the ground, sidewalk, and the base of the doors, with a clear view of snow-covered mountains and a frozen landscape in the background under a gray sky.