To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please click HERE
“The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.”
~ Psalm 126:3 ~
D-O-N-E!!!!! This was the exciting sound that reverberated in the car as we finished our last furlough meeting at the end of June and turned both our car and our sights northward in preparation for the move to Newfoundland. Although we are glad to be done with our travels, we have seen the Lord do many great and wondrous things, and we are truly thankful for everything that the Lord brought us through during our time on furlough.
One area that we do not take for granted is the safety that the Lord has given us in all of our travels. After 11 months on the road visiting 50 churches, our travels have taken us over 30,000 miles which is the equivalent of driving from Lubec, Maine to Seattle, Washington, to San Diego, California, to Jacksonville, Florida and back to Lubec three and one-half times! In all of those miles and long hours behind the wheel, the Lord kept our vehicle running well and kept us free from any incidents on the roads. That is not something that we take lightly, and we want to thank each one of you who prayed for us in our travels.
By God’s grace, we were able to visit all but just a few of our supporting churches, and many of you worked with us to reschedule meetings during the time of my Dad’s battle with cancer and home-going, and for that we are truly grateful. For those of you with whom we were not able to meet this time, we are sorry that our schedules did not allow us time to be with you. You may view our furlough presentation and download our new prayer cards and family picture on our website via THIS LINK.
As this particular stage of our ministry has drawn to a close, we are both excited and ready to move to Stephenville and begin working with the O’Briens in the ministry. As we have traveled these many miles and had wonderful fellowship with our churches, God has continued to confirm His leading in our lives and we cannot wait to see how the Lord will work in the lives of the people of Newfoundland.
Moving Date!!!!
We are excited to announce that we have an official moving date! By God’s grace, we plan to cross the border on Wednesday, August 7, spend the night in New Brunswick, catch the night ferry on Thursday the 8th and arrive in Stephenville on Friday, August 9! Katie’s parents will be driving up with us and pulling the trailer with all of our belongings.
We would ask that you please pray specifically for two things about our moving date.
First, please pray for our border crossing, which should be around noon on the 7th. All of our visa processing will be done at the Canadian border when we cross. While we are fairly certain that all of our paperwork is in order, we ask that you pray for us to have favour with the officers who will be processing our visa application and that the crossing will be a smooth one.
Secondly, please pray for our vehicles and safety on the roads as we pull the trailer many miles to our new home. For those of you who wish to follow our travels as we move, I will be posting updates on Twitter and you can follow us there @NBNorthcutts.
Health Update
Thank you to all who have been praying for both my and Katie’s health. This past couple of months we both have seen some improvement. Although the neck and shoulder issues are persisting, regular chiropractic visits have helped provide some relief.
We received the results back from Katie’s endoscopy and everything that they tested for came back negative, which is good, but that also means that it didn’t really give us any answers. Thankfully we have found a doctor in Maine who has been able to help, and Katie is starting to see some slight improvement through this treatment plan. Please continue to keep her in your prayers that she would be able to have complete healing for these digestive issues.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We are truly blessed to be His servants and your representatives to the people of Newfoundland.
Prayer Requests
For our border crossing on August 7 — favour with the officers and a smooth via application process
For safety as we drive to Stephenville
For Katie’s continued improvement with her health and for her doctor to have wisdom for her continued treatment
For opportunities to witness and minister as we begin to live among the people of Stephenville
Prayer Praises
God’s protection and blessing during the many miles traveled on this furlough
Some improvement in both Matt and Katie’s health
The amazing way in which we have seen God work out every detail of our move and transition to Newfoundland
Please be sure to download the PDF version of the prayer letter HERE to see all of the pictures and graphics in the print version.
What a blessing and praises of your travels and health issues and will continue to pray for Katie and her medical issues! And of course pray continue traveling mercies and all goes well at the boarder
Hopefully it will be smooth traveling with the kids too and to enjoy being on a Ferry! Went on one in NJ called the Cape May Ferry!!
If ya continue to pray for rich on Dialysis, but in 2020 there’s a approved BIOTIC KIDNEY and are taking all candidates by the end of this year!! Rich has been put on the list by his dr and have all his info! Now we just wait for GODS perfect timing of when it will happen!!!
It will be done in Nashville, Tennessee at Vanderbilt Hospital! I will send you info on the biotic kidney!! The best part is no more meds or dialysis and the most important thing is he’ll be BIOTIC MAN 2!!!!! Now I’ll work on being BIOTIC Woman 2!!! Lol 😂
Anyway just pray for God’s answers what to do next
God bless always and BE STRONG in the LORD always
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