July 2024 Prayer Letter
July 12th, 2024 Prayerletters No Comments

To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please CLICK HERE

“For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love…”

~ Hebrews 6:10 ~

Summer in northern climates is usually a whirlwind of intense busyness, trying to take advantage of the nicer weather to get some personal and ministry projects done.  

June started off with Grace Baptist and New Hope Baptist  jointly hosting a two-day ladies’ retreat.  While we have done ladies’ luncheon outreaches before, this was the first time doing a multi-day event with one day geared towards encouraging believers and one day focused on outreach and evangelism.  Katie and Emily (O’Brien) did a wonderful job planning and preparing for the event.  We were blessed to have Pastor Joe Bowker and his wife Tina (the O’Briens’ sending pastor) come up for that weekend, and Mrs. Bowker was the special speaker for the retreat.  The event was very well attended on both days with ladies from the other churches across the island attend, as well as several from the community.  

We celebrated the third anniversary of Grace Baptist Church at the end of June with special services and, of course, an amazing potluck lunch.  One of the other independent Baptist pastors on the island, Pastor Les Chymist, and his wife Rebecca joined us for that special day.  The Lord used Pastor Chymist to bring two challenging messages about faith over feelings and the importance of the local church.

The summer is also time for us to go door to door with outreach packets.  Because of the inability to get out in the winter months, our people give towards this outreach throughout the year and then we buy the materials in the spring, assembly the packets together as a church, and distribute them in the summer.  We were able to put out close to 1400 total packets this year alone!  This is the third consecutive year that we done this, and, to date, we have been able to distribute packets to over half of our city!   

We have one more big outreach endeavour that we are asking you to please pray fervently about.  On July 27, we are hosting a Family Fun Day Carnival during our city’s Jigs & Wheels Festival.  Our church will have 10 carnival-style booths with games and prizes, and we will do a short gospel-themed object lesson.  We are praying to have good conversations about the gospel with those who attend, and that kids and families would start coming to Grace Baptist as a result.

Family Updates

On June 23, Katie and I celebrated 17 years for marriage and we were able to get away and enjoy some quality time together.  I am so thankful for the years of life and ministry that God has given us together.

Both Elliot and Kara continue to enjoy their involvement with their local sea cadet corps and we continue to pray that the Lord would use it as an opportunity to reach others with the Gospel.  While most of Canada celebrates Canada Day on July 1, it is also Memorial Day in Newfoundland.  Elliot and Kara both volunteered to participate in our local memorial day activities on July 1 and they were given the honour of standing guard at the war memorial for the duration of the ceremony.

Katie’s parents have come up to Newfoundland for several months over the past two summers, and they always jump right in with the ministries and activities of the summer.  It is a joy and blessing to have them here and it gives the church a boost with their involvement and faithfulness.

Prayer Requests

For the Family Fun Day Carnival on July 27. Specifically for good weather, for many to attend, for good interactions with those who attend, and for people to come to church services as a result

For wisdom as we disciple and minister to others

Prayer Praises

Outreach opportunities this summer

3-year anniversary of the chartering of Grace Baptist Church in Corner Brook

An encouraging Ladies’ Retreat for the believers and a well-attended outreach luncheon

1400 outreach packets distributed in June

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We are truly blessed to be His servants and your representatives to the people of Newfoundland.

To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please CLICK HERE

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