September 2024 Prayer Letter
September 12th, 2024 Prayerletters No Comments

To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please CLICK HERE

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course…”

~ 2 Thessalonians 3:1 ~

We continue to be amazed at the way the Lord provides opportunities to share the gospel in our community.  God has given us a great relationship with one of the city event planners, and that has opened up many doors to be involved in various events and festivities. 

Our church had the privilege of working together with the city of Corner Brook to host a Family Fun Day Carnival during their annual Jigs & Wheels Festival at the end of July.  The city provided the location, coordinated bounce houses, face-painting, and other activities while we as a church provided a program which consisted of 10 carnival game booths and a magic illusion show that clearly presented the Gospel.  We opened up the games for 30 minutes and then had the Gospel illusion show for 15 minutes, and we ran that schedule through 3 times. In the 2.5 hours that the event ran, we had over 400 people come through the carnival, and many stayed for all three Gospel presentations!  We have yet to see any fruit as a direct result of this outreach, but we know that events like this continue to establish a good testimony in our community, and we rest in the fact that God has promised that His Word will not return void.

Summer finished off with TEEN & Family Camp in August, and, once again, it was a great time of fellowship with the other independent Baptist churches on the island.  This year the TEEN Camp had the most teens ever and they were challenged from the Word of God about purity, being a witness to others, and finding their identity in Christ.  My (Matt’s) birthday fell during camp week, and everyone made sure it was a birthday that I would not forget!  By the end of the day, I had been sung to over 10 times, and everyone who saw me that day greeted me with “Happy Birthday!”. 

Family Updates

Elliot and Kara have started the new school year with Elliot in the 9th grade and Kara in 7th grade.  These are both challenging transitional years academically, so we would greatly appreciate your prayers for the school year.

Over the summer, Elliot had the opportunity to get his pleasure craft boating license and marine radio operator’s license through the Sea Cadet program, and he also enjoyed a multi-day kayak camping trip with me and his uncle.  Kara opted for a shopping spree, movie night, and a trip to the beauty salon instead of camping.  She also enjoyed many opportunities to swim and float in the cold waters of Newfoundland ponds.

Any “free time” this summer was spent trying to get some drainage issues fixed around our house — including digging a drainage trench in the backyard, running pipe to the storm drain out front, and having our entire driveway excavated and re-graded.

We were also encouraged to host our first visitors from a supporting church.  Kent and Judy Gerber were an encouragement and a blessing to us as they pitched right in with the ministry, and we enjoyed fellowshipping and getting to know them.

Prayer Requests

Fruit from the outreaches we have done over the summer

For one-on-one witnessing opportunities with people in our community

For Grace Baptist Church to grow in unity, love for Christ, love for one another, and a burden to reach people with the Gospel

Upcoming outreaches in the fall and winter

Prayer Praises

Family Fun Day Carnival was a tremendous success with over 400 people coming through and the Gospel clearly presented

Drainage problems around the house seem to be fixed

A few times of fun and relaxation this summer despite the busyness

A wonderful visit with the Gerber family

Thank you to all who continue to uphold us in faithful prayer and financial support. We are truly blessed to be His servants and your representatives to the people of Newfoundland.

To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please CLICK HERE

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