We are excitedly looking forward to the visit of our close friend, Evangelist Glenn Stevenson III, as he will be coming both to visit and to help out in the many ministries here in Siberia. This will be the second time in the period of three years that Bro. Stevenson has taken a missions trip to the very heart of Siberia, so obviously the cold winter didn’t scare him away the first time. He did, however, learn a very valuable lesson from his first trip, and that is when you are working outdoor construction in minus fifteen (-15*) degree weather, you never put the screws in your mouth to hold them.
Nevertheless, Bro. Stevenson was a great encouragement and help in the ministries here and we are looking forward to the same this time around. Bro. Stevenson will be with us for the duration of the month of November and into December. Please keep him in your prayers as he departs the US on Friday, November 8 and will arrive here early Sunday morning, November 10. Pray that his travels will be uneventful and smooth and that his time here will be profitable to the people and the ministries here in Siberia.
What a blessing!
Enjoyed looking over the new website! What a great job and I so enjoyed watching all of the videos. You guys are doing a great job and we will certainly be praying about which area the Lord will have you plant a church. Also I am sure Bro. Stevenson will enjoy being with you as I am sure you will enjoy his company as well! Love & Prayers, Hope
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