I was born and raised in a Christian home in Stratton, Maine, and have been active in the local church ever since I can remember. When I was about seven years old, after family devotions one morning, my mom showed me from the Bible that I was a sinner on my way to Hell and in need of the Lord to save me. Being so young, I do not remember too much about all of the specifics of that day, but I do remember calling out to the Lord and being saved.
During my early teen years I struggled with the assurance of my salvation. I thought that maybe I was too young to really understand salvation or maybe I didn’t “pray the right words.” After talking with my mom and dad one night, I received assurance of my salvation. Since then I have claimed Romans 10:13 as well as 1 John 1:9, realizing that “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” and that “…He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Looking back on it now, I know that it is not the words of the prayer that are essential for salvation but faith in what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross. I am so thankful that the Lord has made the plan for salvation simple enough so that even a child can understand and believe in Jesus Christ.
In August 2002, the Lord led me to attend Ambassador Baptist College, where I majored in Church Secretarial Studies. While at Ambassador, the Lord really worked in my heart and showed me that I was still not completely surrendered to His will. I had my own plan and agenda for my life, but the Lord clearly showed me through His Word and the preaching at Ambassador that He had a perfect plan for my life, but I needed to surrender all to Him and seek to follow His leading.
In 2007, Matt and I were married and the Lord has given us two wonderful children – Elliot and Karalyn. It is my desire now to serve the Lord in whatever capacity He leads my husband and me.