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Blessings Abounding – summer ministries & more…
Blink, and it’s over! That’s the way this summer has felt for us. This was probably the busiest summer we have had thus far, but it was truly filled with blessings as we saw God work in many ways.
We started the summer with our VBS outreaches in the beginning of June and we went all the way through to the middle of July — 5 straight weeks of VBS in Krasnoyarsk, 13 Bortsov, Atamanovo, Shila and Elita. To say we were worn out after all of that would be an understatement, but the Lord blessed the VBS in every location as we had the largest number of kids register that we have ever had! 20 kids was the smallest number we had on a single day, and several locations had over 40 kids on a given day!
At the end of July, we were privileged to take part in the 20th anniversary celebration of the Krasnoyarsk Baptist Church! The church auditorium was packed out as we had close to 150 people in attendance on the celebration Sunday! We count it a blessing to have been a part of this ministry for the past 5 years, and it was truly a special time as we heard testimonies of those who had been reached by the ministries of the church. It was a great reminder of the work that God still wants to accomplish here in Krasnoyarsk and the surrounding areas!
Vanavara Trip Update…
Well, it turns out that the process of getting land in Vanavara is a bit more complicated than we originally thought. However, the trip was not unprofitable, and it was clear that the Lord was directing our steps. After figuring out the correct process for obtaining property, both Bro. Dean and I applied for 2 adjacent pieces of land in a great central location in the village, and now we are just waiting for the paperwork to be completed and processed. The paperwork process could take up to 6 months total, so we can’t make any concrete plans with the property until December when the documents are finalized. With that said, several other housing options surfaced and we are excited to share those as well.
Bro. Dean was able to find an 800 sq/ft, 3-room apartment for sale in great condition with some land for a garden (a rare find in northern villages), and he was able to purchase that for a very good price. His plan now is to remodel the apartment and live there until they are able to build on the other piece of property.
Our last day in Vanavara, we learned that there was an unfinished log home (traditional village construction) with a nice piece of property for sale. We hurried to look at it before our flight left and it looks like a perfect fit for our family and future church services. Unfortunately we had to fly back to Krasnoyarsk before finding out many details, but we have since been in contact with the seller and are in the process of discussing the possibility of him selling to us. There are still several questions that need to be answered about the house and property (i.e. connecting it to electricity, building permits, water, sewer, etc.), but we are excited about the possibility of being able to just have to finish a house instead of building from the ground up. Please pray with us for wisdom as we negotiate about this property.
Bro. Dean and I will probably take another trip up to Vanavara at the end of August to try to get some definite answers about our housing options and to start some of the remodeling in their apartment.
25 people x 22 churches x 60 dollars
In the last couple of months, the Lord has brought in more funds for the Vanavara building project! With the current figures, we are excited to say that we now just need 25 people in 22 churches to give $60 in order to meet our building fund need!
If God lays it on your heart to give towards the new ministry in Vanavara, you may designate your gift for the Northcutt Housing Fund and send it to our mission board at the following address:
Points North Baptist Mission
PO Box 977
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
We are so very thankful for the part that many of you have already played in helping us prepare for the move to Vanavara. Many have already given of their time, resources and expertise. Thank You!
As always, we truly appreciate your faithful prayers and support of our ministry. We are honored to be your representatives to the people of Siberia.
Prayer Praises
A great VBS outreach in 5 villages this summer
A wonderful 20th anniversary celebration service at Krasnoyarsk Baptist Church
Provision of more funds for the Vanavara ministry and move.
Prayer Requests
Wisdom about housing in Vanavara
Salvation of the kids who attended the VBS outreaches in the 5 locations
Remaining funds needed for the move and building in Vanavara
All of the unforeseens that come with moving plans, building plans, ministry transition, etc.
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