To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please click HERE
“…let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually…”
~ Hebrews 13:15 ~
The Lord has worked in some special ways as we closed out 2021 and began a new year of ministry in 2022. In December, we were able to take part in two outreaches — one in Corner Brook and one in Stephenville. Our church took part in the annual Christmas parade in Corner Brook and we were able to distribute 1500 packets of Gospel literature and church information. What was especially encouraging was hearing our people so excited about the outreach and wanting to do even more packets for the next time!
We also traveled to Stephenville to help the O’Briens with the Christmas outreach at New Hope Baptist Church. The town of Stephenville hosted a “Christmas on Main Street” event, and the church took part as old fashioned carolers — complete with vintage costumes!
As we have moved into the new year, COVID restrictions have, once again, tightened up in our community; yet in spite of that, we have continued to have visitors come to services over the last couple of weeks! Along with the visitors, we have seen individuals continue to grow in their spiritual walk with the Lord as they faithfully sit under the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We are looking forward to what God has in store for Grace Baptist Church in 2022.
A Tribute to A Missionary Pioneer & Hero
In December of 2021, the executive director of APBM (United States) and PNBM (Canada), Dr. Gary Forney, went home to be with the Lord. He was a pioneer missionary to the arctic regions of Canada from the late 70’s thru almost the mid 90’s. After leaving the field due to health reasons, Dr. Forney continued his burden for arctic missions by establishing Points North Baptist Mission with a specific emphasis on reaching the lost in the arctic regions around the world. Dr. Forney was especially instrumental in my life personally, and it was through him that God opened my eyes to missions in Siberia, where we served for 9 years before God led us to Newfoundland. His love for us, for missions, for the lost, and for his Lord is something that will always be remembered. I will be forever grateful to have known him and count it a privilege to have served with him in fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Family Updates
Our family has adapted well to life and ministry in Corner Brook since moving here last October. We’ve enjoyed exploring the Corner Brook area this winter and are having fun snowshoeing the many trails around us.
December and January were milestone months for both of the kids. Elliot turned 13 in December and Kara turned 10 in January. Elliot is into all things NASA and space-related, so of course that was the theme of his party. Kara had a ballet-themed party and we enjoyed some ice-skating as a family for her birthday. God has blessed us with two wonderful kids, and it has been exciting (and a bit scary) to see them continue to grow, not just physically, but also spiritually. Please pray for us as parents, that we would have the wisdom that is needed to nurture and lead them as they continue to grow and mature.
We want to say a special thank you to all of you who sent special gifts and/or cards for Christmas and the kids’ birthdays. It means a lot to us as parents to see the love that you pour out on our kids (and us). Thank you for demonstrating your love and care for us in this way.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We are truly blessed to be His servants and your representatives to the people of Newfoundland.
Prayer Requests
Wisdom to lead the people and ministries of Grace Baptist Church
For continued wisdom as we work through the immigration process of trying to obtain our permanent residency
Continued spiritual growth in the lives of our people
That the restrictions would lift and not continue to hinder ministry here in Newfoundland
Prayer Praises
Visitors to services at Grace Baptist Church
1500 Gospel packets distributed in Corner Brook
Spiritual growth in the lives of believers
A beautiful place to live with many outdoor winter activities
To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please click HERE
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