To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please click HERE
“This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.”
~ Psalm 118:33 ~
What an exciting time it has been to serve the Lord here in western Newfoundland. Despite all that is happening in our world today, God is still on the throne and Jesus Christ is still building His church!
The months of May and June brought several “firsts” to the ministry of Grace Baptist in Corner Brook. The last Sunday in May, we had our first ever “Youth Sunday” which gave the young people in the church an opportunity to minister first-hand in every aspect of the service that day. We had one of the young men leading the music, two young men preaching, and all the young ladies were able to take part in either special music, Scripture recitation, or reading of poems. Elliot was one of the young men who preached, and the other was a young man from the church who is studying for the ministry and is in his second year of Bible college.
The month of June was spent meeting with prospective members, finalizing the church constitution, and organizing the charter service. Although our original date of June 6 was cancelled because of COVID restrictions, on June 27, 2021, after months of teaching and preparation, Grace Baptist Church of Corner Brook, Newfoundland was officially established and chartered with 16 charter members!
Bro. O’Brien and I both brought a challenge from the Word of God, and we observed our first Lord’s Supper together as a church! It was truly a special day, and all praise goes to the Lord for what He has done. Please continue to pray for us and the O’Briens as we seek to continue to guide the church to become a fully self-supporting, autonomous church. Much work has been done thus far, yet there is still much work to do!
“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified…” (2 Thess. 3:1)
New Hope Baptist Church Update
In all of the excitement for Grace Baptist in Corner Brook, we have not forsaken the ministry in Stephenville. Our biggest need continues to be a permanent meeting place, but also for people to be open to the Gospel and willing to come to church. Stephenville and the surrounding areas seem to be more reluctant to come back to church — possibly because of COVID or possibly for some other reason. We need your prayers that God would work in the hearts of the community and bring people to church and to a saving knowledge of the Gospel!
Family Updates
June was an important month for our family as Katie and I celebrated our 14th anniversary. The churches here surprised us with a gift card and we were able to enjoy a date night supper to celebrate.
Both Elliot and Karalyn are excited to be done with school, and they are both actively involved in the summer sports leagues. Elliot, once again, is playing baseball, and Kara loves to play soccer. Although they both moved up to another age bracket this year, they have been able to keep the same coaches that they had last year. We are looking forward to continuing to build on relationships from last year through the community sports program.
The kids have also started piano lessons during the summer and it has been a joy to listen to them progress already even in such a short time. They are already asking about when they can play in church!
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We are truly blessed to be His servants and your representatives to the people of Newfoundland.
Prayer Requests
Wisdom as we continue to work to establish Grace Baptist Church in Corner Brook
Provision of a permanent meeting place for New Hope Baptist Church
For the Word of the Lord to have free course in both Stephenville and Corner Brook, and for people to be receptive to the Gospel
Prayer Praises
Grace Baptist Church in Corner Brook is chartered!
Sixteen charter members at Grace Baptist Church
Summer sports are taking place and resulting in more interaction with others in the community!
God’s working in lives and building His church!
To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please click HERE
Wow! Elliot preached. How old are your kids now, and what grades are they starting now? I am 16 now and I’m in 11th grade. I’m praying about going to Ambassador for college or a college in Wisconsin called BCM. I still have the pink little people earrings that you gave me Mrs. Northcutt! I love them! I haven’t had an updated prayer card for y’all so I use the earrings as my reminder. I am taking piano lessons from two different music professors at the college. I am also taking Music Theory 1 as a college class for highschool credits. My persona,l main piano teacher is the teacher of the class, so she worked me into the class schedule. I started this year’s school about three weeks ago now. I get to play in church often- accompaniments, offertories, and hymn playing. I am still going to Maranatha Baptist Church in Shelby. Please know that we all continue to support you in our prayers! I miss getting to see you all, and hope that we can take advantage of this slight outlet of connection. -Lizzy
Hello Lizzy!
It was great to hear from you and hard to believe that you are in 11th grade now. Our kids are in 7th grade and 4th grade now, and growing up too fast. It is so neat that you still have the earrings and are using them as a reminder to pray for us. Thank you so much for the prayers. We will pray with you about your college decision. I know the Lord will make it clear to you if you seek His will. Hopefully we can meet up next time we are back in the Shelby area.
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