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While these past months have had their share of challenges and obstacles, we have been reminded over and again of how perfectly the Lord controls every aspect of our lives.
The biggest prayer request that we saw answered over the past few months was with Karalyn’s application for permanent residency. We praise the Lord that, despite a few hurdles and a few unique nuances that we encountered during the application process, everything went quite smoothly, and we were able to turn in Karalyn’s residency application on May 15 and it was accepted! We now are waiting for the conclusion of the 6-month processing period and for the permit to be issued, which should occur sometime in November.
Again, we would like to thank each one of you who upheld us in prayer throughout the entire application process. It was evident that God’s people were praying and the Lord was controlling the entire process from the very beginning.
Summer Ministry Plans
June and July are always exciting months as we prepare and plan for our summer VBS outreaches here in Krasnoyarsk and in the villages of Shila and Atamanovo. This year, we have decided to decorate with a medieval theme with the lessons centering around the theme of “Guard Your Heart” taken from Proverbs 4:24. The weeks of VBS will begin on June 25 and run through July 19. We would covet your prayers that we would be able to reach many kids and families with the Gospel through this outreach.
Updated Furlough Plans
In light of the fact that we were able to turn in Karalyn’s application for permanent residency, we have now begun to make some concrete plans for furlough.
Due to the regulations of our residency permits, we are not allowed to be out of the country for more than 6 months at a time (180 days) or we forfeit our residency status. With that in mind, we are planning for a 5-month furlough, which will have us arriving in the States mid-December, 2014 and returning to the field in May, 2015.
Unfortunately, this means that we will probably not be able to report back to all of our supporting church, due to the short time-frame, but we hope to make it to as many as we possibly can.
Pastor, if you would like to have us in for a meeting during the time that we are back in the States, you may contact me directly through the email address listed below:
We appreciate your understanding and covet your prayers as we make our preparations to return on furlough. We look forward to renewing acquaintances and sharing what the Lord has done in and through us in these last few years in Siberia.
As always, we truly appreciate your faithful prayers and support of our ministry. We are honored to be your representatives to the people of Siberia.
Prayer Praises
Karalyn’s application for permanent residency was accepted and is being processed
Safe return of our co-workers from furlough
Continued progress in our Russian language studies
Prayer Requests
Wisdom and strength as we prepare for our summer VBS outreaches
God to work in the hearts of the kids who will come to the VBS meetings
Wisdom as we make plans for our upcoming furlough
Karalyn’s residency permit
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