Moving Date Change!
Just a quick update to let everyone know that our planned moving date has been pushed back a week due to the truck driver’s schedule. Our currently planned moving date is now March 10, 2016. Our truck driver has promised to be here late on the 8th, and we plan to load the truck on the 9th, and pull out early on the 10th.
Flexibility is key when dealing with the winter road, so we aren’t too distraught by these changes. If anything, we are grateful for a few extra days to try to get stuff done.
We covet your prayers as we finalize everything and prepare to move to Vanavara next week. And, just in case you are wondering, the picture above is a 100 meter roll of bubble wrap. Do you think we’ll have enough? 🙂
May God give you wisdom, grace and flexibility as you prepare to move. Our prayers are with you all and may God’s protection be over you as you travel.
Your friend from Emmanuel Baptist Church
Millville, PA USA
Thank you very much for the prayers. We are so appreciative for the support of God’s people. Greet Pastor Valiante for us!
Greetings from Grace Baptist Church Masters Club kids we are working on our missionary badge and you and your family are the missionary family that was picked to do a biography on. We know you are busy about our Lord’s work and getting settled in after your move, but if you could email us some pictures of Vanavara the building, people, the church, your new home, scenery/landscape, and some of the dangers that you my happen upon on the winter road. Thanks in advance. Tina Aycock and Master Club kids from Grace Baptist Church in Gaston, NC
Certainly! I will be glad to send some pictures. We just got our internet hooked up and I am catching up on our correspondence. We are getting settled into life here in the village and we are loving every minute of it. I will get those out to you as soon as possible.
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