The Lord has given us at Grace Baptist Church a wonderful opportunity to participate in the annual Santa Claus parade here in Corner Brook this coming Saturday, December 4. The parade is a very big event here in our community — it is televised locally and many businesses and organizations are represented. The theme of the parade is “A Storybook Christmas” and our church is entering a float with the decorations themed around God’s gift of His Son at Christmas as “The Greatest Story Ever Told”.
Since this is such a wonderful evangelistic opportunity, our people are putting to gather 1500 packets with candy, Gospel tracts, and church invitations to hand out to the onlookers along the parade route. This is the first time that our church has done any kind of outreach like this, and it has been exciting to see everyone come together to prepare for this opportunity.
We would ask you to please pray with us for several things about the parade: 1) pray that the weather would be good so that many people will be out watching the parade; 2) please pray for strength as we walk the parade route and pass out the packets; 3) please pray that people would be receptive to the Gospel and information in the packets and 4) that we would have visitors to church as a result of this outreach.
The parade starts at 5pm and goes through 9pm on Saturday evening. Please take some time and pray for us either before the parade or during that time. I have no doubt that all of us will be quite exhausted for Sunday morning at church time, but we are excited about this opportunity and are looking forward to God doing great things through it.
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