To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please click HERE
“This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.”
~ Psalm 118:23 ~
We pray that each of you had a blessed Christmas and a wonderful start to the new year in the service of our Lord. God has been good to us in our ministries here in Newfoundland, and we are excited to share His workings with you!
We closed out 2019 with many Christmas related events — Christmas parties, Christmas program, Christmas caroling, Christmas dinner, and, well you get the picture. We made much of Christmas and celebrating our Saviour’s birth in our personal lives and in the ministries.
Probably the highlight of the Christmas season was our Christmas program that we were able to present in both churches on consecutive Sundays. All of the kids and adults did an amazing job with the music and their speaking parts, and our hearts were overwhelmed with how God worked.
We had 34 people come out for the program in Stephenville and 24 total for the program in Corner Brook. Bro. O’Brien preached an excellent Gospel message, and most of the guests stayed for a meal following the program which gave us the opportunity to get to know them better. Please pray for those who attended as we follow up with them.
The first Sunday in January we were able to begin a new Sunday school class for those in 7th grade and older and it was exciting to have 3 teens and 4 adults (3 visitors) show up for that first Sunday.
Another new ministry that we are planning to start this year is hosting a community activity night that we are calling “UnPlugged”. The idea is to bring the community together every Friday night for a time of non-electronic games, activities and character-building lessons. This will enable us to both be more visible in the community as a church and open the door of ministry to people who might not come to church. Please pray for us as we finalize the details and plans for this outreach. By God’s grace, we plan to begin the first Friday in March.
Family News and Happenings
December saw Elliot celebrate his 11th birthday! He chose to have a “pool party”, which in the middle of December is quite difficult to pull off. However, Katie made an amazing underwater-themed cake and decorations and we had a great party, although we took a rain-check on the actual swimming.
Another major happening for Elliot is that he is able to play basketball with the local elementary school team. Even though we homeschool, we have to be registered with the local school system and this gives the kids the opportunity to participate in any of the school’s events. The team has began practicing in late September and in January, the Stephenville Eagles won the Provincial Tournament for grade 5 and under boys basketball! It was a pretty big deal for the school and the town and it was a great way to meet other families and get involved in the community.
January was Kara’s month as she celebrated her 8th birthday! She chose to go ice skating at the local ice rink and selected an amazing cookies-n-cream birthday cake (Katie did another amazing job with that cake).
Kara enjoys going to gym class at the local primary school and she has recently fallen in love with playing board games. Uno Attack, Monopoly Deal and Ticket to Ride are some of her favourites, and she often beats all of us when we play.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We are truly blessed to be His servants and your representatives to the people of Newfoundland.
Prayer Requests
For our “UnPlugged” ministry outreach which will begin in March
For continued integration into the community for both our family and the local churches
For visitors to keep coming to services at New Hope
For health and strength during the flu season
Prayer Praises
God’s working through the Christmas program in Stephenville and Corner Brook
A great start to our teen and adult Sunday school class
The opportunity to meet many families through Elliot’s basketball
To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please click HERE
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