To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please CLICK HERE
“For we are labourers together with God…”
~ 1 Corinthians 3:9 ~
We are grateful for each one of you who faithfully supported and prayed for us this past year. We have seen the Lord do some amazing things to close out 2023 here in Newfoundland.
Our Christmas season outreaches began with a ladies’ wreath-making workshop at the end of November. This event has grown each year we have done it and this year was no exception. We had over 20 ladies and girls attend and, of the 15 ladies in attendance, only 6 were church ladies! Along with getting a nice wreath to take home, all who came heard a clear gospel presentation and many expressed how much they enjoyed it.
The very next weekend was Corner Brook’s annual Christmas parade, and this year was the most encouraging one yet! Not only were we able to give out 3000 packets along the parade route, but also every single person in our church was involved in the parade in some way!
The following week Grace Baptist Church was invited to do some Christmas carolling one evening at the Corner Brook city hall. A few days before the event, the city coordinator contacted me and asked if we would be willing to do a short radio interview on the morning of the event and give a “sneak preview” of the carolling that would follow that evening. So, our family went and sang on our local CBC radio morning show and I had the opportunity to talk about the significance of Christmas music and tie it to the gospel. That night at city hall, our church carollers were highlighted on a segment of the CBC online news broadcast. In all of this, we are grateful for the opportunities to share the gospel, whether through song or interview. We also want to thank the O’Briens for coming up from Stephenville for each of these outreaches. They are a wonderful help with these types of events, and it is a blessing to minister with them here in western Newfoundland.
Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service was our last big event for the year, and, once again, we saw the Lord do something amazing. Knowing that it was something of interest to several of the Ukranian families last year, we made a concerted effort to invite all whom we have met over the past few months. Our people also invited friends and family, and that night, we had a full house and our highest ever attendance at Grace Baptist Church with 32 people! Sixteen were a direct result of our working with the Ukrainians and the gospel was clearly presented that night in both languages. One of the Russian-speaking ladies came up to me after the service and asked to set up a time to talk more about repentance and baptism. Please pray that she will clearly understand the gospel when Katie and I meet with her and her husband.
Family Updates
Thank you for praying for the health concerns we mentioned in our last letter. All of the tests that Elliot had came back clear and the irregularity that the doctor found in Elliot’s optic nerve is nothing to be concerned about. The eye doctor will continue to monitor it with regular checkups, but everything is fine there. Matt has been referred to a hematologist to try to find the reason for the extremely high ferritin, but there is an 18-month wait before he can get in to see them. His appointment is scheduled for June of 2025. Please pray that he would be able to get in sooner and that the doctor here would have wisdom about what to do while we wait.
Elliot celebrated his 15th birthday this past December and is growing into a fine young man who loves to read and build things. He is still involved with the local cadet corps and enjoys that immensely and is also taking piano lessons. Please pray for him to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading for his future, and for wisdom for us as we guide and instruct him.
Kara loves music and reading and has really excelled in both her piano and violin lessons. She has played some simplified hymns for church congregational singing and on Christmas Eve she did her first violin special.
Both of our kids are a blessing to us and in the ministry and it is encouraging to see them grow and develop their talents for the Lord. Please pray for both of them as they struggle with loneliness at times, being the only kids in our ministry. Please pray that they would not become resentful of the ministry and that we, as parents, would shepherd and disciple them with grace and understanding.
Prayer Praises
Opportunities to present the gospel through the wreath-making workshop, the Christmas parade, and Christmas carolling
Many visitors to our Christmas Eve service, including several from the community and sixteen as a result of working with the Ukrainians in our city
Prayer Requests
For a lady who wants to meet to talk about salvation and baptism
Matt to be able to get in to the specialist sooner than 18 months
For our kids to grow in their love for the Lord and to seek His leading for their future
For wisdom as we disciple and shepherd our children and seek to balance ministry opportunities & responsibilities with family needs
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We are truly blessed to be His servants and your representatives to the people of Newfoundland.
To download the prayer letter in a printable PDF format with picture and graphics, please CLICK HERE
Beautiful pictures!! Thank you for prayer requests……Praying for all of you.
In Christ,
Glenda Farrington
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