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From the warm sunny skies of the Southwest, to the chilly snowscapes of the East, our 2015 furlough travels have provided us with a variety of adventures and blessings.
The entire month of February was spent out in Arizona where our family enjoyed a taste of the “Old West.” Since this was our first time anywhere out west, everything was new and exciting and we experienced many “firsts” together as a family — our first look at the Grand Canyon, our first time seeing a cactus, our first Wild West cowboy shootout, and many, many more!
Undoubtably, Elliot had the best “first experience” of all of us. On the very last Saturday that we were in Arizona, he was able to take part in the 90th Annual Tucson Rodeo! Elliot was an official Junior Rodeo participant in the “Mutton Bustin” event where kids, ages 4-6, try to ride a sheep for distance! He did well with a score of 77 and he received an official “Mutton Bustin Champion” belt buckle and a trophy!
And while the Lord gave us some great family time, the Lord also blessed with good meetings in several new churches in the Phoenix and Tucson area, as well as a great missions conference with one of our supporting churches.
The Vanavara Project
We are so amazed at the response of God’s people as you have rallied behind us in preparation for the move to Vanavara. The response that we have received as we have presented in a number of churches has been nothing short of overwhelming. We have had multiple people from multiple churches express a strong interest and desire to come over and help us build our home in 2016 and we are praying with you that God will provide the time and funds for that to happen.
We are also ecstatic to report that the Lord has already provided about one-third of the funds needed to purchase the necessary building materials for our house. Many have given special offerings towards the new ministry and one of our churches is sending double support for the next year to be used for the building!
Many have asked about the prices of goods and materials in light of the recent economics of the Russian Federation, and the honest answer is that we are still not sure. Our coworkers have reported a 70% price increase on some items, and hardly any increase on others. We will just have to wait and see what the prices are like when we return and begin purchasing our materials.
We praise the Lord for His goodness and supply thus far and we are excited to see how the Lord will continue to provide for this new ministry. If you believe that the Lord would still have you give to the startup of this new ministry in Vanavara, you can designate it for the Northcutt Housing Fund and send it to our mission board at the following address:
Points North Baptist Mission
PO Box 977
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
For those who have already talked with me about coming over to help us build (or if you haven’t talked to me and are still interested), you may contact me via the following email address with any questions:
As always, we truly appreciate your faithful prayers and support of our ministry. We are honored to be your representatives to the people of Siberia.
Prayer Praises
Opportunity to rest and enjoy family time in Arizona
Many interested in coming to hep us build in 2016
Provision of one-third of our needed finances for building in Vanavara
Safety on the road as we have traveled
Great meetings with new and supporting churches
Prayer Requests
Continued provision of the funds ($50,000) needed for building in Vanavara
Continued safety on the road as we travel to the New England area
Logistics of planning the move and relocation to Vanavara
Our travels and logistics as we finish out our last two months of furlough
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