Crammed in the midst of our 5 weeks of VBS outreaches, is a trip up to Vanavara to try to purchase land for our future homes and ministry. Bro. Dean, myself and Oganes (from Atamanovo) will be flying up tomorrow, June 15 for the sole purpose of finding suitable properties on which to build. Our flight leaves at 8:20am from Krasnoyarsk (which will be 9:20pm Eastern Daylight Time) and we will arrive in Vanavara 2 hours later. We will stay through Wednesday, June 17 and will come right back to another busy week of VBS.
Obviously, with a trip such as this, there are many requests that we would ask you to pray with us about.
First – Please pray for wisdom and guidance to select the right piece of property. We would like to be able to find a fairly central location in the village, and a property that will not be too swampy and suitable to build on.
Secondly – Please pray that we would be able to get the property at a reasonable price.
Thirdly – Please pray for a smooth processing of all of the documents that accompany such a purchase.
We are excited to take this first concrete step towards a future ministry in Vanavara and we covet your prayers for the next 3 days as we make this important decision. We look forward to sharing with you how God will lead and provide in this land purchase.
Praying that the Lord will allow your trip to be fruitful. God Bless!
Thank you, Pastor Agee. We had a profitable trip up in Vanavara. I will be updating everyone soon on how the Lord led and provided.
Step by step! Like baby steps! God is good! Praying for provision and wisdom. Pray for me to recovery from foot surgery! And of course for Rich who is a taken care of me! Will be out of work until June 29th. And also for our daughter-in-law heather carrying our first grandchild, sept 18! Thanks and God bless all
Thank you for the prayers, Rich and Deb. Will be praying for you as well.
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