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Clear Directions and Definite Answers
A big thank you to all who were praying for us as we took this last trip up to Vanavara in search of housing options for our family. We were praying for some very specific direction regarding our housing, and it was very evident that the Lord was leading in all of the decisions and contacts that were made during our week in Vanavara. After we returned to the city, it was amazing to step back and see how specifically the Lord directed our steps.
As you know from our last update, I went up for the sole purpose of inspecting the unfinished log home to see if it was structurally sound and if it would be a wise purchase. Upon inspection, everything seemed to be in order until I climbed up in the attic space and looked at the roof structure. There I discovered that the rafter spacing was erratic and almost all of the rafters had been pieced together over an unsupported span. In order for me, in good conscience, to put my family in that house, it would have required a complete demo of the roof and a new one constructed in it’s place. With too many corners cut on the roof construction and no peace about proceeding with negotiations, I decided to walk away from this property. It was very clear that the Lord had shut the door.
With that property ruled out, I felt like I was back at square one — no possible leads and not sure where to look. We spent the next couple of days looking for ads posted at the local stores and calling about different housing options. We went and looked at a few houses (both finished and unfinished) as well as a couple of apartments, but I had no clear peace or direction about any of the other options…until Wednesday.
On Wednesday, as I was shuffling back through the advertisements that I had found, I discovered that we had not yet called about one of the advertisements. We called and set up a time to meet with the seller, and upon first look, I knew that the Lord was leading and had brought us there for a purpose.
What I had found was a 65m2 (700 sq. ft.), 3-room apartment with a large amount of land around it for gardens, several storage sheds and a small heated garage. The 2-story log building in which the apartment sets was in good condition, and the apartment itself seemed to be well-taken care of for a village apartment.
After seeking the Lord’s leading that night, it was without a doubt the purchase that He wanted us to make. So Thursday morning I made an offer on the apartment, land and garage and it was accepted! By Thursday night, after filing the proper paperwork, the apartment was ours!
During our talks with the previous owner of the apartment, we came to find out that he owns and operates a truck on the winter road. We have tentatively agreed with him to haul our stuff up for us when we get ready to move — and he agreed to do it for a reduced rate! This was just another way that the Lord directed our steps during this trip to Vanavara!
Our New Plans and Timetable
Needless to say, our plans have changed dramatically from what we have been planning, but it was very evident that the Lord has led in this direction. The money that has been given to our building fund will go towards the remodeling of this apartment, and anything left over will be held in the building fund to use for future building projects such as a church building or meeting place.
While the apartment is in good shape, it is important to understand that when someone moves out of a place over here, everything goes with them – kitchen cabinets, finish flooring, light fixtures, etc. All that is left is a tub and a toilet and bare walls and floors! This apartment will need to be extensively remodeled to serve as both our home and an initial place in which to hold services.
Our current time-frame has also changed. We are now planning to ship all of our building materials needed up to Vanavara in early December so that we can start remodeling as soon as possible. The remodeling needs to be completed by the end of January so that we can move up at the end of February when the lease expires for our apartment in Krasnoyarsk.
I realize that these new plans and new time-frame may hinder some of you who had expressed interest in coming over to help us build. However, if there is still anyone who would be willing to come over and help us remodel not just one, but two apartments (ours and the Dean’s) for the future ministry in Vanavara, we would be more than glad to have the extra hands. There is still a lot of work to do in order to turn these apartments into a comfortable place for our families and services. If you have any questions, please contact me through my email info@northboundnorthcutts.com and I will be more than happy to answer them.
As always, we truly appreciate your faithful prayers and support of our ministry. We are honored to be your representatives to the people of Siberia.
Prayer Praises
God’s clear leading in our housing search
A lot of land around our apartment for gardens
Contact with a truck driver who has agreed to haul our supplies and furnishings up on the winter road
Prayer Requests
The many plans for remodeling our apartment and moving to Vanavara!
Good prices on the materials we need to purchase for the remodel
Wisdom as we make plans for the future ministry outreaches
All of the unforeseens that come with moving plans, remodeling plans, ministry transition, etc.
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