We ended our VBS outreaches on a high note in the village of 13 Bartsov, where the Duane Hearron family has been ministering for a number of years. Since it was our first time holding VBS in this village, we had no idea what to expect for numbers, so we were blown away when we […]
Thank you for praying for the week of VBS in Shila. It was probably the best week of VBS we have ever had out there. The weather was hot, and it rained one day; but despite it all, we consistently had close to 20 kids show up each day. By the end of the week, […]
Thank you to all who prayed for our VBS in Atamanovo this past week. It was a huge success as the Lord greatly blessed the week with perfect weather and great attendance. Every day, we had a minimum of 35 kids come and participate in the VBS activities, leaving us with a grand total of […]
The Lord blessed our week of VBS here in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The weather, while hot, was perfect each day and we were able to hold all the games outside as planned. Our numbers were about the same as previous years. We had a total of 31 kids register throughout the week with 7 […]
A big thank you to all who upheld us in prayer. We know of several who were praying at or around the specific time we were turning in the application and it was evident that the Lord was in control of the situation. When dealing with documents, nothing is ever as smooth or as simple […]
Just a quick update to ask for your prayers concerning Karalyn’s residency permit. We have an appointment on Thursday at 9:30am (9:30pm Wednesday EDT) to turn in the application for Kara’s residency permit. We would covet your prayers at that time that all will go well and that the application and supporting documents will be […]
We are pleased to let you know that we now have a funtioning photo gallery on our website that includes the most recent photos from our 2014 Ladies’ Banquet. We will be posting more photos here in the future, highlighting special events, sights of the city, life in the village, etc. You may view the […]
One of the biggest holidays of the year here in Russia is International Women’s Day, which falls on March 8. If I had to liken it to a US holiday, the closest one would be Mother’s Day, but Mother’s Day pales in comparison to how Women’s Day is celebrated here. Almost every woman gets […]
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas as we pause to remember and celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amidst all of the fun and festivities with family and friends, may we not forget the One Who has given to us the greatest gift of eternal life. Merry Christmas from our family to […]
After much hard work, we are pleased to announce that we have now integrated both our news updates and our prayerletters into the same mailing list. This now means that if you have previously signed up to receive our regular prayerletters, you will now also receive both our regular prayerletters and any news updates […]